Tail Town House Rules
The following is a breakdown of our House Rules that apply to all guests and reservations. Any guest who shows a disregard for the following rules will be asked to leave. The safety and comfort of our cats is our priority.
Follow any and all instructions given by Tail Town Team members. Every cat is different and our volunteers know them best. Please observe all instructions provided when entering the lounge or you may be asked to leave.
Use caution when picking up cats. Some cats do not like to be picked up or held and may scratch or bite to get away. Instead, try sitting down and allowing the cats to come to you. Never hold or restrain a cat against their will. If the cat squirms, lower them gently and allow them to step away.
Children may not pick up cats. Parents, supervising adults and volunteers may place cats into the laps of a child who is seated, if the cat is comfortable. Please ask permission.
Do not pull on any part of the cat including the tails, ears, whiskers, or fur! Petting and gentle scratches are welcome, just go slow and let the cat decide if they are in the mood for attention. Do not pet their fur against the direction it grows, that hurts too!
Do not wake up sleeping kitties by picking them up. You may gently pet them, but no one likes to be woken up abruptly by being grabbed in the middle of a good dream!
Just like humans, some days a cat may not feel like being handled or interacting. If a cat tries to move away, flicks their tail, or shows discomfort like hissing, swatting or growling—MOVE AWAY and leave the kitty alone. It is not funny or safe to irritate an unhappy cat. Do not touch an unhappy cat! If some unhappy kitties have an argument, leave it to our volunteers. Never clap, shout at, or try to physically separate two cats.
Pictures are welcome, but please turn off your flash. Cats have very sensitive eyes and flash photography can hurt them.
Speaking of senses! A cat’s sense of smell is 14 times stronger than a human’s, but our humans are sensitive too. Please do not wear strong perfume or cologne to the lounge. It is disruptive and effects humans and cats alike.
Sharing is not caring when it comes to kitties. Feel free to bring food or drinks, but do not give any to the cats. Certain foods can make cats extremely sick or even kill them. Our cats are on a high-quality diet and do not need supplemental feedings or human snacks.
No children under the age of 6 are allowed inside the cat lounge and anyone 6-14 years old, must be accompanied by a paying adult. Supervising adults must be present in the lounge at all times.
You are entering the cat lounge at your own risk. Even though our cats are well socialized with humans, and of course cute and cuddly, they may bite or scratch during play, under stress, or out of fear. If you are bit or scratched, leave the cat alone and immediately alert a team member to assist you.
Do not stand or sit on any spaces meant for cats including: shelves, furniture, cat beds, wheel, or equipment. Platforms, toys, and beds are not built for human weight and are for cats only.
No running, yelling, or raising your voices. We are a quiet space and cats are sensitive. Therefore, please use your inside-cat-library voice and walk slowly while inside the lounge.